Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Benefits Of Aromatherapy

In the midst of all the alternative medicine treatments that you've heard about recently, you may have noticed aromatherapy mentioned a few times. Many dismiss the idea of using scents to bring medical results as quackery, and that's understandable in many ways. There's a lot of information about aromatherapy that comes from people who speak about it based on their spiritual beliefs and a paucity of information that comes from detailed medical studies. As a medical treatment in Western nations, it's still a little new, so there's still much to learn about it. Let's explore some of the ways that aromatherapy does help people so you know how to better incorporate it into your life.

As A Medical Practice

The determinant of aromatherapy comes from the use of essential oils, which are extracted from plants using distilling processes, resulting in concentrated liquids that are often very fragrant. In France, where aromatherapy is used in concert with traditional medical practices, but it's for the antiseptic properties of the essential oils more than anything. In France, essential oils are occasionally prescribed and administered by a physician to target harmful organisms that might lead to bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.

If you're wondering where the "aroma" part of aromatherapy comes in, there are traditional medical practices in the United States in which the scents of various compounds result in an alleviation of symptoms of illness. The one most people are familiar with is the use of things such as Vicks VapoRub or Halls cough drops to help clear clogged sinuses and throats. Aromatic chemicals such as menthol and eucalyptus bring an alleviation of those symptoms, which are often associated with colds.

As Stress Therapy

When you start to venture out of such applications and begin to talk about alleviating stress with aromatherapy, then you start to get into ideas that come less from observed scientific evidence than from common theories. Aromatherapy in many instances is suggested as a way to reduce symptoms of stress in people and for other effects. For instance, basil oil is often suggested to ease the effects of depression and to help you to focus, while lavender is used for relaxation.

While many of these purported aren't determined through scientific study, it's easy enough to notice that pleasant scents can make people feel cheerier. In that respect, it wouldn't hurt to practice a little aromatherapy at home; at best, it really will help and at worst, you still end up surrounded by enjoyable scents. So, whether you're using it for medical purposes or just to relax, aromatherapy offers something for you.

More health information can be found at Health Blog. There are also informative health videos at

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