Thursday, December 25, 2008

How to build relationships and commitments with the customer

Customer Relations And Commitment

Contrary to the popular belief, the external clients are not the only customers. There are customers within an organization too. As mentioned earlier, all work is a process.

Each activity in a process is handled by several people working on various components of the task either simultaneously or sequentially, as in a assembly line process. Some of the components may be a prerequisite to further processing. In this scenario, the next person  waiting to received  the component  from you, could be termed as your customer. You have to deliver the goods to him, for him to proceed with the work. You not only have to finish your task, but also do it on time. For example, in the process of submitting reports and vouchers for reimbursement of money before a certain date, the accounts department become your internal customer, as you have to complete certain tasks for them on time. On the other hand, while processing the vouchers and sanctioning the money for payment, you become an internal customer for the accounts personnel.

In today's highly competitive world, the customer is king, You have to provide the customer with zero-defect products and services, on time, to win his confidence and continue the partnership.

In real life situations it may so happen that you might have to face dissatisfaction of the customers. In such situations, you as a professional, are expected to be objective and non-judgmental. Do not let such instances form a negative attitude about the customer. Many a times, others comments and remarks on a client or organization may tend to influence you, which you must avoid.

Similarly, one should also not pass negative comments about one's organization to others, within or outside the organization and must demonstrate loyalty to his work.

Ten Rules for Great Customer Service.

- Commit to quality service.
- Know your products.
- Know your customers.
- Treat people with courtesy and respect.
- Never argue with a customer.
- Don’t leave customers in limbo.
- Always provide what you promise.
- Assume that your customers tell the truth.
- Focus on making customers.
- Make it easy to buy.

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