Thursday, August 28, 2008

What The Bilble Says About Christian Counseling Debt

The Bible and Christian Counseling Debt

"The king was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt." Matthew 18:27

Is debt biblical? It is not a sin to be in indebtedness but the Bible does have a lot to say about being good managers of what we have been given. The greater sin is being too proud to acknowledge your condition and your current financial condition and look for help or counsel. There are Christian counseling centers to aid with Christian debt elimination. The sooner help is sought the sooner bills and debts can be corralled and brought under restraint. It is a humbling experience to go through, but others share this same experience. We learn from our hardships to better wait on the Lord and to strengthen our faith. If you have a financial problem do not wait to look for Christian Counseling Debt because someday you may be able give spiritual or financial aid  to a fellow Christian, family member or co-worker.

"Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7

We are called to spend wisely. Often times we see ourselves in debt for very good reasons. There could be an illness, rendering you unable to work. In these precarious times, we are seeing more and more people being laid off or hours cut substantially. There are regular monthly payments that are due and we may find we do not enough to pay them. Sometimes credit cards are used to pay bills and the debt begins to build. It can become overwhelming and a Christian debt elimination service may be needed.

Pray First

"Listen to me!, you can pray for anything, and if you believe, you will have it." Mark 11:24

Take everything to the Lord in prayer.  Does this mean everything you pray for will be granted?  The Lord always responds to our prayers, not in the way we may have expected or in the same time frame we expect. Jesus prayed when He was on earth.  He prayed while in the wilderness and also he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Jesus prayedif it is possible may this cup be taken from me..  He still had to go through what He was sent to do, die for our sins and transgressions.  We may still have to endure some trials for the situation we are in, but He has promised to take care of us.   

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